Acqua termale da bere: i benefici per il tuo benessere

Thermal water to drink: the benefits for your well-being

Is there thermal water to drink ? Of course there is, and it has numerous benefits for your psychophysical well-being . We have gradually learned about the benefits of thermal water during balneotherapy, we have discovered the beneficial effects if used as the main ingredient of face creams - against pimples - or body, as well as those for dry or greasy hair , so it is good to now also focus on the positive aspects that it gives to the body when ingested.

Thermal water to drink: how to help our intestines 

Thermal water to drink comes to our aid when we need to combat problems related to the digestive system, that is, when we have digestion problems or difficulty expelling feces. How? As we have already said, the thermal water of Nitrodi contains a high percentage of mineral salts and beneficial substances capable of contributing to the correct functioning of the liver and intestine . An example? Among them there are: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, manganese and many other substances that are able, with their combined action, to cure, combat and above all prevent:

  • lazy bowel;
  • swollen belly;
  • the sensations of heaviness.

In this way, it regulates the processes related to food digestion. Thanks to it, in fact, gastrointestinal problems disappear and the liver and intestine begin to work in the best possible way, restoring a psychophysical well-being that could have seemed lost.

Is that all? Of course not. Thermal water for drinking is not only used for this purpose, but also for two other important actions. First, a diuretic action , and secondly a detoxifying action .

The diuretic action of drinking thermal water: how to purify the body

Nitrodi thermal water should be drunk to benefit from its diuretic action. Only in this way can you truly purify your body by freeing it from all toxins and promoting the hydro-saline exchange by reintegrating the mineral salts that the body needs.

By stimulating diuresis and allowing it to be regular, you also prevent the onset of kidney problems such as those related to the formation of painful stones. Thermal water in fact prevents the formation of lithogenic deposits which are among the main causes of stone formation. Perhaps not everyone knows that, when the concentration of lithogenic salts in urine is high, the first crystals form which then, aggregating together, constitute the actual stone, the famous stone that affects 5 to 10% of the population. The lithogenic salts we are talking about are:

  • soccer;
  • uric acid;
  • oxalate;

This is a common problem for many and, according to the latest medical estimates, it is constantly increasing also due to high meat consumption. To prevent this disorder, which is really very painful, it is necessary to keep the urine in a condition of undersaturation, that is, well diluted. How? Through correct and constant hydration. Thermal water to drink also comes to the rescue , an excellent ally in combating kidney problems.

Thermal water for good liver function

Drinking thermal water has a positive effect not only on the kidneys, but also on the liver . How? It stimulates an adequate production of bile and triggers, in this way, a positive effect on intestinal motility and meteorism. In short, no more difficulty in digestion or evacuation, no more problems of heaviness and no more feeling of satiety. If the liver works in the best way, there are finally no problems of lazy intestine and, moreover, a correct evacuation of feces is favored.

How often should you drink thermal water to get all the benefits? 

In order to benefit from what has just been described, how often do you need to drink thermal water ? The recommended indications are to drink about 1.5 liters of water a day, two glasses, in the morning, as soon as you wake up and the rest during the day.

Do not drink during meals, before or after.