The extraordinary effects of the waters of Nitrodi in the treatment of many skin diseases (but not only) have often led to the cry of a miracle! Even the ancient Romans considered these waters divine: when they were cured of some ailment thanks to the baths of Nitrodi they expressed their gratitude by giving "ex voto" to the Nymphs and Apollo. The votive reliefs have come down to us - eleven marble slabs and nine anaglypha dating back to the period between the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD. Today these monuments are located in the Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

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Not just a miracle, but also science.

The properties of the waters of Nitrodi have also attracted the attention of the scientific world. Already in that ancient era we spoke about before, there was a school of Medical Hydrology at the source, the doctors who practiced there were numerous; we have the names: Menippus, Aurelius Monnus, Numerius Fabius. In the Renaissance the thermal water of Nitrodi was studied by Giulio Iasolino, but then over the centuries there have been many experts in thermalism who have analyzed the waters of the Nymphs with a rigorously scientific approach. Among these, Professor Mancioli in the 60s; and in times closer to us, the dermatologist Antonio Mazza. The greatest effectiveness of the water of Nitrodi is found in the treatment of dermatitis and therefore in almost all pathologies that affect the skin (eczema, acne, neurodermatitis).

It has recently been the subject of an in-depth study by Prof. Costantino of the University of Salerno who highlighted its effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis.

This water is particularly effective in ulcerative manifestations of varicose veins, in the treatment of sores, fistulas, boils, burns and ulcerous wounds. Hydropinic treatment, that is, carried out by drinking the water, has, instead, a diuretic, digestive, detoxifying and gastro-calming action.

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